Buy 4-CMC Powder Online

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4-CMC Powder (4-Chloromethcathinone)

4-CMC Powder (4-Chloromethcathinone) (also known as 4-CMC and Clephedrone) is a stimulant drug of the cathinone class that has been sold online as a designer drug.

4-CMC (4-chloromethcathinone) is one of the research chemicals. Regarding legality, it is known as an Anlage and also a controlled drug in some parts of the world like Germany and others.

But, in Sweden, public health classifies the drug as an illegal narcotic drug in 2015. Also, in China, this chemical is equally regarded as one of the controlled substances and it is seen as a scheduled 1 material in Virginia. It is also regarded as a Class B drug in the UK.

Please note that 4-CMC can be studied only under optimal laboratory conditions and that in vivo research involving live organisms is not allowed. 4-CMC can be safely stored for up to 2 years at room temperature.

4 CMC Powder Chemical Data:

CAS#: 842212-02-1
Molecular Mass: 197.661 G/mol
Molecular Formula: C10H12ClNO

4-CMC Powder

4-CMC Crystal White Powder Interactions

4 CMC must not be mixed with other drugs because it can pose a risk to the health of a person. It can lead to negative experiences when mixed with the following substances:

The substance is best as a stimulant that can cure obesity, impulse control disorders, asthma and sleep disorders. You can intake the substance such as Onset (Oral minutes), Duration (Oral hour) and After-effect (Few hours). To benefit from the drug, ensure to follow your doctor’s instruction.

4-cmc crystal white powder drawn into the nose begins to run fine at 100 mg. It is not recommended to exceed the dose above 180 mg. Bakes in the nose for a few minutes after being pulled. Operation is much shorter and is about one hour.

4-CMC Crystal White Powder

There is quite a strong desire for further tightening strokes. The effect of stimulation of the way the administration is already very clear. Unfortunately, stimulation does not go hand in hand with concentration. There are problems with concentration, speech may be tangled, a rapid heartbeat, sweating, chills, and nausea.

Euphoria is more comparable to the popular mephedrone and initial results are similar to it. The pleasant phase is often intertwined with something that researchers call “light structure.”

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